Saturday, May 21, 2011

(BANNED FROM AIRING) Conspiracy Theory Jesse Ventura: Police State

This video from Jessie Venturas Conspiracy thoery about the truth of the police largely beacuse they found a document that proved the existance of FEMA camps across the USA and the reasons for being detained in them. It was Banned from ever being shown on TV, the infomation about its sceduling deleted, TruTv now deny it existed, almost every video sharing website showing this video has been deleted, everytime it gets put on youtube it gets deleted so watch while you can... They cannot fight the power I found it on pirate bay and downloaded and decided that everyone must see this. Here is more infomation on this banned video:

Here is just a few of the sites where the video has been removed:

This VIDEO contains absolute EVIDENCE of about 72 FUSION CENTERS, about 1000 or more F.E.M.A. DEATH CAMPS or RESIDENTIAL CENTERS (PRISONS) with playgrounds for families with innocent children, and millionsof coffins being produced by a subsidiary of HALLIBURTON! The "MAIN" building contractor of the F.E.M.A. DEATH CAMPS is HALLIBURTON

Emotional Interview With Jesse Ventura

Former Navy UDT, professional wrestler, actor and Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura teams up with a group of investigators consisting of skeptic Alex Piper, reporter June Sarpong and investigator Michael Braveman, and examines various conspiracy allegations involving numerous controversial subjects such as global warming, the 9/11 attacks, secret societies, government surveillance and secret weapons projects.